Latest Mystery: Tracking Down the Archive

I installed The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe, Inc. on another site the other day so I could keep a community calendar of tech and business events. It seems like a pretty good WordPress plugin which is probably why it has over 700,000 installs.

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It’s not perfect – the free version doesn’t handle recurring events and Gutenberg seems to break the CSS, at least on the theme that I’m using – but Gutenberg can be turned off for this plugin and it creates a very attractive calendar for the site. The events are stored as blog posts with their own specific post type so the plugin makes use of the existing tables within the database. I could write some SQL to copy events with new dates but it’s pretty much just as easy to go through the interface.

The sticking point came when I noticed that it was titling my main calendar page “Events Archive” which is not the title I want Google seeing when it looks at my site. The calendar page is auto-generated by the plugin so it’s not stored in the Pages section of the site and I couldn’t set the title manually.

After searching through Google and with a little bit of guesswork, I finally tracked the problem down to my Yoast SEO plugin. Yoast adds a new Events section under its Search Appearance >> Content Types settings for Event Tribe events and it was using the word Archive for the SEO Title of the generated page. Once I changed this, it fixed the problem on the site.

Access 2019 Bible
  • Understand database objects and design systems objects
  • Build forms, create tables, manipulate datasheets, and add data validation
  • Use Visual Basic automation and XML Data Access Page design
  • Exchange data with other Office applications, including Word, Excel, and more
  • Michael AlexanderRichard Kusleika (authors)
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