Category: Databases

How To Navigate the SQLite Command Line

(The following is adapted from a chapter of the upcoming book, Self-Guided SQL: Build Your SQL Skills with SQLite. You can download the sample databases referenced on the Github project page.) Database software often comes with different types of interfaces including graphical, menu-based browsers and text-only console programs. While browser programs are easier to navigate, […]

New Video – Learning SQL with SQLite

An essential skill … If there is one programming language that I would recommend for everyone, it’s Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL (often pronounced “sequel”) is the main language used to communicate with databases including Oracle, SQL Server and Microsoft Access. It’s the set of commands used to write and retrieve data. If you work […]

Managing Your Organization’s Contacts with CiviCRM

Whether you’re selling products, managing a non-profit or running a political campaign, one of the most important things you do is to manage relationships with other people. Your ability to maintain your organization’s contact database, whether it contains potential customers or donors, is essential to your operations. Many organizations use various types of Contact Relationship […]
